The links on this page are not about Steiner Waldorf but are very good general homeschooling advice sites. I used all of these sites when I was first considering homeschooling and if your 'dithering', they might help you make up your mind! :)

Home-Education UK This is the home of the Home Ed UK email list which you can join. There are some lovely, helpful people on this list!
Education Otherwise. The first site I found in my search for home education advice. You can join EO for £20 per year and one of the things you will get is a list of local contacts that you could meet up with.
Muddle Puddle. A really lovely site, particularly aimed at parents with 'pre-school' age children.
Home Education in the UK. This site is totally amazing, and packed with just about everything you need to know about home education, including the legal stuff.