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Part of me wants to break down barriers, set people free and make the world a better place. A bigger part of me wants to sit on the sofa, drink tea and play through old Nintendo games.

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27/08/09 : Chicken Korma

All the recipes I could find for this were completely different so I thought I'd start from scratch. It works - the spices seem right, the garlic and ginger work well together as do the coconut and yogurt, but I do think it's missing something. Or maybe I just like my curries with a bit more kick.

Korma ingredients 2 chicken breasts, cut into large chunks
a small onion, finely diced (or pureed*)
2-3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
same amount of chopped ginger
2 red chillis, de-seeded and chopped small
a level tsp each of ground cumin, corriander and tumeric
200ml coconut milk
150ml natural yogurt (not low fat!)
heaped tbsp ground almonds
[*UPDATE - if you have one of those mini chopper things, whizz up the onion, garlic, ginger and chilli]

Korma cooking Stir fry the chicken over a fairly high heat until cooked through, then remove (put some rice on at this point, it'll take just under 15 minutes). Add a little more oil then fry the onion for a minute or so, then add the garlic, ginger and chilli, then the spices. Add the chicken, coconut milk and almonds. As soon as it starts bubbling, turn the heat right down and stir in the yogurt. Let it simmer away gently, stirring occasionally, while the rice finishes cooking.

Serves two. (Note - don't be put off by the fact that it looks like a Vesta Chicken Curry).

Chicken Korma

Posted by Tim at 10:56 [ permalink ]
Categories: Food and drink
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And swilled down with nothing less than a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale - oh, very well played, sir.
Ben, 27.08.2009, 6:40pm #
And very nicely it (they) went down too!
Tim, 27.08.2009, 6:50pm #
It is a god amongst ales, no doubt. Have you checked out the stuff Sainsburys are flogging in their beer competition?


The William Bros IPA is a bit good.
Ben, 27.08.2009, 8:31pm #
I hadn't, thanks for the tip.
Hows things with you BTW?
Tim, 27.08.2009, 10:01pm #
Yeah good thanks mate - my degree's going well as I enter the final year, I got a grant to do a research project at the uni over the summer so I'm well set for my dissertation, been studying parasite growth in copepods (we tackle the big questions). Life is otherwise proceeding in a quiet but pleasant way. How's about you, everything good?
Ben, 29.08.2009, 9:25pm #
Hopefully this message will find you and Sarah. I am tracing my family tree and Sarah is my cousin my father was Walker Aquilla Hardy her grandfather Jacks brother - I found some old pics on Sarahs old website from 2010 which I cannot open relating to the Hardy family and would love to see them. I hope you are able to contact me my e.mail address is [email protected]
lee hardy, 24.01.2012, 10:55pm #

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