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Welcome to the homepage of Tim Sellers!
Below you will find links to some of my pages and sites - most are quite old but may still be interesting if you're bored (I've updated the templates for the blogs so they are now readable on small screens) plus music tracks and various other bits and pieces.

Creative stuff

Chemical Reaction - a short rock instrumental with organ solos.

Tim Sellers ยท Chemical Reaction

I like this one, it's very "me", plus the mix is good and there aren't any mistakes that I couldn't be bothered to sort out. It's based on the intro I wrote to a song by someone else (I just kept the title).

More music coming soon.

Darkhall Manor - an old style text adventure

Download (just 94.1k, should run from any Windows machine, nothing dodgy)


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I'm on facebook (but don't really use social media), have some old family videos on youtube and there are some (even older) family photos on the gallery.

Sarah's old sites: Steiner homeschooling - Sellers Family homeschool blog (Aug 04 - Aug 06).