Monday, July 17, 2006
It's summer, it's hot and we've just been lazin' about.
I've also been thinking about this blog and all my little home ed bits dotted about. I'm considering just lumping everything under one website under my own name. I may or may not have a blog. To be honest, after nearly 2 years, I've grown tired of writing it and I guess the being made "inactive" thing kind of reminded what I DON'T like about blogging - it takes me away from why I originally blogged.
I started blogging, back in August 2004, to keep a nice record of Rosie's work and to have something to look back on in years to come. I didn't blog to gain an audience (although I have and, yes, it's nice). I blogged for me and for my family. I've lost sight of that I think.
Anyhoo, for what it's worth - stuff we've been doing lately (apart from Nintendo games, playing in the garden, art etc. We've visited Hurst Castle (in Lymington), planted a potato, nutured our sunflower and garlic into life (we're amazed - we're not that great at growing stuff!), used the telescope lots and played Sims 2 (which I got for my birthday on the 15th)
Oh, and Tim didn't get the job he went for. Bummer.
Back to being "quiet" now.
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