Rosie and April
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Friday, May 12, 2006


Well, we've had some absolutely gorgeous 'n' hot weather here over the last couple of days so much outdoor activity has taken place. Yesterday, Rosie, April and daddy all went out and, amongst other things, drew all over the patio in chalk! Here are their artistic efforts:

First 2 which Tim did - a (rather skinny!) snail and Toad from the Mario games!

Now Rosie's - An Animal Crossing person, 2 drawings in "cave-painting-style" and the front of her playhouse which she decided to decorate!

Finally, today a new book arrived in the post (always cause for MUCH excitement in this family of bookworms!) - Usborne Living World Encyclopedia. Within about 5 seconds of opening it, Rosie had plonked herself down for a good old read - she's still there now! :)

Posted by Sarah at 11:10 AM | Permalink |

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