Part of me wants to break down barriers, set people free and make the world a better place. A bigger part of me wants to sit on the sofa, drink tea and play through old Nintendo games.
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10/03/08 : Servers, php, heavy stuff
Bear with me while I sort out the comments and stuff - things aren't working properly since the server this site is on upgraded to php version 5.
In the meantime, here's a little light music.
Actually this is the least "light" of all the music I've got; ultra-tight speed metal band Megadeth when they were at their best (1991 I think, but I can't be bothered to reach for the CD to check). Strangely, this has a lot in common with the Shostakovich on my last post as both have an aggressive, almost violent, energy to them.
I do like "nice" music as well . . .
Posted by Tim at 20:55 (edited on: 13/04/08 22:44) [ permalink ]
Categories: Blogging, webstuff, programming, Music
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